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7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Social Media to Grow Your Outreach Ministry

Social Media for Ministries
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Social Media to Grow Your Outreach Ministry

Our lives have turned digital more than ever. If you’re in ministry and you are not currently making use of the tools available to you through social media, you are missing an audience who, like all people, desperately need the Word of God. If you’re not convinced of the benefits of incorporating a consistent social media presence to grow your outreach ministry, here are 7 Reasons you should consider.

1. Most people are on social media

In our fast-growing digital world, there is an expectation that more than 3 billion people will be present on social media by 2021. These staggering numbers are evidence of the prevalence of social media in our communities. It's safe to say, you will not find more people present in one place, where you have the potential to connect . This means that with consistent effort put into your social media strategy, people will begin to engage with your ministry: some will have discovered your ministry for the first time. Social media

gives those who would have never come in contact with your church a greater opportunity to do so.

2. Provides Connection Despite Circumstance

Zoom Call for Ministry
Social Media Provides Connection for Your Ministry

In 2020 the world went into an unforeseen pandemic. In a matter of weeks what used to be "our normal" was turned upside down and we were forced to adapt to a new way of life. The truth is, these changes will be sticking around for a while. Among the drastic changes, was the closing of churches worldwide, all in an effort to help prevent the further spread of the virus. Though we have not completely seen the other side of the pandemic, social media has allowed us to be creative in ways to connect and reach out to others, despite circumstances. When the church can't meet in person, or when events have to be canceled, we can still stay connected, encouraged, and engaged on social media platforms.

3. The Reason People Find Your Church

Not everyone finds your church driving home from work. Many people come to know Christ or attended a church by a friend, a family member, or search on the internet. Yes it's true, someone is searching for a place to experience God. Whether it's 12 noon or 12 midnight, your content allows them to explore the values of your ministry and what you believe. The more content a person consumes, the more they begin to KNOW, LIKE & TRUST. Your presence and consistency on social media let's followers know that your ministry is not a fly by night operation. You're communication and investment shows the sincerity in helping people. Consider your social media the new welcoming point to your ministry.

4. Space to Receive Feedback

In ministry, for every idea that you implement, there are several other ideas that didn't make the cut. It can be easy to 'shoot in the dark' when it comes to a new strategy to or promoting an event you've never held before. However, social media has made it so much easier for you to receive instant feedback from those who you're hoping to reach. Whether on, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, tools such as polls are readily available and free of cost when you're in need of feedback from your community.

Are you struggling to come up with new ideas to engage your audience or grow your outreach ministry? We've already done the leg work!! Here are 50 Topics that will empower, engage and connect with the new audiences.

5. A Way to Build and Interact with a Community

7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Social Media to Grow Your Outreach Ministry
Build and Interact with Your Community on Social Media

Many Christian leaders, particularly those who have become well-known figures in the public eye, have made use of social media to grow their ministry. Here's the thing, one person can't be in multiple places at one time. The good new is, there are features built into social media platforms like Group Chats, Facebook Groups, Instagram Comment sections, or Live Videos, which allows you stay connected with your community. This is where we go beyond posting content for LIKES and HEARTS. Instead this is where those who have questions, those who need a church, those who want to attend your events, can be brought even closer through conversation and community.

6. Opportunity to Meet and Collaborate with Others Who Share Your Vision

One of the benefits of having a social media presence as a ministry is that you become associated with others with similar content. On the one hand, this may seem like a downside. You don't want to compete or get lost in the sea of countless other profiles. On the other hand, it makes life much easier for collaboration with ministries, businesses or non-profits who share your vision. Social media has made this possible by allowing direct messages that help you connect instantly with those you would have otherwise never known.

7. Spread the Message of the Gospel

Jesus Saves
Use Social Media to Spread the Gospel

Whenever implementing new ways to reach out to the community, to promote an event, to reach the lost, we must never lose our reason. The reason supersedes our agenda. When Jesus departed from His disciples for the last time in Matthew 28, He left them with a mission that they were to pursue until their time on earth was complete. Today, it is known as the Great Commission, not only did Jesus send His disciples on this mission, He gave them the call to - 'GO, and make disciples'. God does not send us out ill equipped or unprepared. He provides us with tools to reach further than we could ever imagine.

At the end of the day, it is not about the size of your event, nor the number of people who attended. Our success is not measured in numbers but by following the command of our Lord, which is to preach the Gospel, to lead souls to Christ, and to give hope to a world that so desperately needs the Savior. Social Media not only gives you the ability to connect with people in your community, but it gives you the power to share the good news across the world.

These are just 7 Reasons that I hope will encourage you to continue investing in your ministry's social media presence. It serves as an excellent way to meet people where they are, nurture relationships and build an online community.

Need help managing social media for your ministry? Connect with GOOROO Virtual Assist for a FREE DISCOVERY CALL at

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